For the game playing masses and other nonsensical ramblings.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Foundry map testers needed

I need some map testers to test a map in halo 3. its on the new dlc map called foundry its a CQC game type. just pm me to set up a date you will get credit for helping me.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

new maps for halo 3

well there are three new maps for download on halo 3. they are standoff, foundry, and rats nest. they are all really fin to play. the best thing is that you can use forge on these new maps. foundry is where forge really shines. they give you a whole pallet with walls and all that junk. you then have can create anything from a cqc to a snipers paradise.

see you on the battlefield

Friday, December 7, 2007

New Stuff For a New Year

Well this year is coming to a close and we all know how awesome it has been it the gaming community. first we had 2 new consoles dropped on us th o.k ps3 and the so cool wii. Yes I have a Wii I am a Nintendo fan boy. Come on the NES is most of my aged peoples first system. Its ok I know i love them deep down in side. We also got some stellar games in the latter half of the year. Halo 3, Assassins creed, Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band just to name a few. we also have so much to look forward to. i mean the next-gen wars are just heating up and its gonna be fun to see whats on the docket. now on to more pressing matters we have a new map pack for halo 3 coming in the week. this is going to be cool. yes i still play halo with all the little kids. there are going to be so much forging in the near future just on foundry. I'm gonna have more time to do what i like to do with my free time cause I'll be out of school in like 3 weeks.

Have a festive Festivus and see you on the battlefield

Friday, November 23, 2007

i wish i had some people who...

I wish i had some people who actually read and left comments on my blog. well i now guess that its a pipe dream. i was playing some halo 3 with a bunch of little prepubescent kiddos today and it really pissed me off to no end. i was down for the count and they kept on making fun of my slurring words and not hitting the side of a barn. these little punks could have used a real beating on the game by some drunk hicks but I'm not a hick but I was drunk. w/e tomorrow is another day and i have work again which sucks I've had the last three days off to sit and do my homework which was nice i also did a bunch of nothing. Back to what i was really saying was that i which i had more people who actually read the blog when stumbled upon it not just look at it for a few seconds and leave.

sorry for the rant and see you on the battlefield

Thursday, November 22, 2007

well the pilgrims would be happy

Well I would have made the pilgrims very happy. I ate all day and passed out on the sofa like any good american on thanksgiving should. The gorge is over for now the next will be the gorge of christ ( a.k.a Christmas) where any good Christian would be happy to eat and drink to thier content. sorry if I offended you ubërChristains. we only have 32 days left to shop and get in shape to the next big meal of goodness. I cant wait. Well I'm going back to bed where i can sleep off the rest of the tryptophan in my system.

see you on the battlefield,

Happy turkeyday!

well as i write the macy's thanksgiving day parade is wrapping up and im getting ready to gorge myself on that scrumptious bird we like to call turkey. i have the best plan in the world eat all day, ill keep you updated as the day goes on. so far i have had 3 cinnimon buns a crap load of cranraisins, and more sugar i could handle on this holy of unholy holidays. well ill talk to you soon.

see you no the battlefield,

Friday, November 16, 2007

and for something completly different

i have been following the emergence of comet Holmes. this comet all of a sudden has just exploded in brightness. this comet has a very likely tenancy to be a spaceship from another planet. this is becasue when it went around the sun it was dim and very subdued. then all of a sudden it brightens but the weird thing is that there is no tail like all the other comets. the only thing is weird looking coma around it. the other thing is that it looks like there is a shoot off of exhaust in the form of propellant. heres some pictures.

see you on the battlefield

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Call of Duty 4 review

If this game doesn't get the game of the year I will be pissed off. Its that damn good. I told you about the beta now its the retail versions turn.

Ok the maps are even more awesome than the beta. They changed a few things from it as well. The maps vary from fighting in the streets to and all out battle in a grassy fields. There are a few nice touches like most of the buildings are opened and you can camp and hide in them. The other thing is it looks so nice and runs buttery smooth.
Game Modes
The modes are from the short and sweet to the action packed. There is something for everybody. The big battles are fun but the game really shines when you can play an objective based game. Like sabotage, a central bomb game type that you have to plant at the opposing forces base. Then you have the old standards tdm, s&d and making a comeback Headquarters. The other new game modes are hardcore which takes away all the hud and its two shot kills. Old school which is pickup like in halo and golden eye. There is also a combination of it called oldcore. which is the reduced hud and pickups.

there are to many weapons to talk about. each weapon has unlockables. they are the red dot, acog and scilencer.
How it stacked up
Concept: 5 wholly crap its fun.
execution: 5 nothing is wrong majorly.
Fun factor: 5 i cant say enough that they did right.
Overall: 15

See you on the battlefield,

just buy this game you won't be sorry. yes i am a COD fan from the start but i really didnt like cod 2 to much. It was just alot of the same things from cod 1.

Friday, November 2, 2007

three more days until we get to see what IW has in store for us, these six months of waiting have flown by and i cant wait till i get my hands on COD 4 its gonna be sweet.

see you on the battlefield


All of a sudden i have been getting hits like crazy. I love it. Well for anyone who is reading this from other then the states hello, Het hallo, hola, bonjour, Hallo, ciao, oi, привет, hei, 喂, こんにちは. Well i hope that you will enjoy reading my blog and will come back to it many times.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

well sorry if i havent written in a while

well i have been enjoying my school year(yeah right). i have been busy working on 2 semester projects and a few other things that need to be done this week so i haven't been really busy playing all the games and stuff. so ill be back when cod 4 comes out and maybe a few other games before the Christmas season but expect full write ups on all the games i get for the holidays.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Please Keep Legacy

Has anyone who has ever played legacy or southpaw seen the increasingly decline of games that support this control setup. I mean I have been playing fps's from before some of you where even playing games. My first introduction to the console fps genre was golden eye for the 64. I would play that game for hours on end me and my friends would have tournaments and all that crap. Then came along the ps2 and the xbox. I loved them both equally, for the platforming and madden and one for the great fps's that came out respectively. Both still had the legacy because the gaming community would not stand for that dramatic change when these systems where only one removed away from the great era of the golden eye. Then came along the next-gen consoles which developers thought that we had forgotten about legacy and southpaw. But we haven't yet i still play legacy and a lot of other people play that way too. I feel like I have been missing out on some really good games. The video game industry should have a standardized layouts fro the thumbsticks: one should be default, legacy, southpaw and the revese of those i forget the names. Its just bullshit that I cant enjoy the game because I don't have enough time to figure out the new controls I go to school full time i work 30 hours a week. Well fuck you EA. EA is the biggest company that does that doesn't add southpaw and legacy to their control schemes. i really wanted to like moha but the fucking controls. Now i want to play the orange box and EA has decided not to add legacy and southpaw well fuck them I'm not giving them anymore business. I say if you play legacy or southpaw boycott until they include them. thats my piece.

see you on the battlefield,

PS. sorry for the rant but I'm tired of throwing down 60 bucks on a game i cant even play or get my full money back on. It just gets annoying.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Just thoughts...

O.k i was playing h3 for a few hours this week and it dawned on me that the best animators and other creative people are usually high or drunk when they do their best work. So i had to try it i got absolutely plastered with the thing i love to call the drunken kiwi (th fruit not the New Zealander.) cause it tastes like a kiwi fruit (ask me for the recipe some time and I might give it to you.). Anyways I got shammered and went into the forge. I started a map Sandtrap and i changed the game type to assault. Thats all i remember from then on. The next day i awoke with out a hangover and fired up the trusty 360 and looked to see what I did. I was thinking that I beat the game and had no memory of it but I didn't. To my surprise I had created a new map variant called sand and sun all neatly capitalized and spelled right. I then fired it up and brought it online. I invited some of my friend to play. They asked if i remembered any of last night i said no of course. Well come to find out it worked like a charm the first time and only a few minor tweaks where in order. Which i had written down on paper in a very drunken scribble. So my theory of the best stuff comes out when you drunk or under the influence of a mind altering drug actually works. It helps with the creation of a good map or game type. but you have to be in the zone of drunkenness. this zone is where you are feeling good but not so bad that you cant controll yourself. Ask anyone about the zone and they will tell you its good your kind of numb but still have full functionality. I get in the zone when ever I play Wii bowling.

see you on the battlefield

PS. I don't condone underage drinking so don't get drunk. A lot can happen if you do. I mean I don't remember anything about that night except that I was playing for a long time slurring my words and everything.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

the froge, and my drunken stuper

The forge is really cool it is an awesome tool to have in a console game because we cant go in and change the code and all that fun stuff. We on Halo 3 have a map editor instead. Think tony hawks park editor not with ramps but with guns. Check out my map called fire and ice beta v1. Me and my friends where a little drunk and in our drunkenness we decided to take Epitaph and put all the grenades on the map. Its fun when drunk or not. Please tell me whats wrong and how to fix it thanks. Heres the forum for my map variant

see you on the battlefield,

Invasion of the Brats

Well guys the little ones have began to really play halo three. So its so long to the drunken nights with friends online and now time for the serious playing. The kid gloves have come on. Say goodbye to the nights of fragging your peers and hello to getting pissed off at the punk kid who kept killing you last night. They have no life they just play for hours on end. Sorry to anyone who wants to play with out the annoying screaming of kids and the really immature. There goes another good game to the annoying. Don't get me wrong i will still play online but when there is a little kid around i will mute him so i don't have to listen to him. The influx has begun and it will not stop until they all get it. I can't wait till Christmas time when Santa or the Dradle (sorry to all the Jewish peoples i don't know who brings your presents) brings them their copy of the game. Microsoft hows your underage scanner now. Its still not fully operational. Sorry for the post, but I get so pissed off when the little kids kill me then call me names that they learned by some noob who cant play a game. Then that kid tells me to go kill myself because i suck. well i have one thing to say enjoy it while you can you punk and please stop killing me.

see you on the battlefield,

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Halo 3 Finaly some closure

Ok here goes. One of the most hyped games of the year has hit the ground running, and it is very good.

The maps are a lot like halo 1 and 2 but there are some big improvements. For example there are much more spawn points. The guns are much more spread out and every thing looks good if you don’t agree with something you can change it in the forge editor.
Game Modes
There are a lot of game modes but there is only a handful that you will want to play. There are the ranked servers and the unranked also known as the social servers. The modes are all picked out for you as game sets. The other big thing is the custom games which are cool I played today in a game that was gravity hammers and Spartan lazars.

There are the usual halo weapons like the needler and both assault rifles. There are a few cool additions to the game like the very powerful Spartan laser, the spiker, gravity hammer and the new grenades. The new nades are fun to play with there is the spike and the little known firebomb. The spike shoots out spikes and it can be stuck to another person which is really cool. The little known firebomb is an incendiary nade that can burn anything in its path. The spiker is like the assault rifle and has a blade like the brute shot on it. The Spartan laser is like you would expect a laser that can kill you in one shot. The gravity hammer is the big hammer that the brutes use in the second game.
How it stacked up
Concept: 5 Bungie has just stuck with the tried and true with a few tweaks.
Execution: 5 still can’t beat it and a few new weapons.

Fun factor: 5 still can beat a great game.

Overall: 15 a prefect score there weren’t any big holes that couldn’t be filled and also you can fill them you self if you have the time.

See you on the battlefield,

Ps. i have to apologize to my girlfriend because she is going to loose me for a while to this game i hope she understands.

Monday, September 24, 2007

its almost here

the day is upon us its six hours away from the release of halo three i can say the name now that its almost here. ill be at the midnight release in bridgewater ill see you there.

see you on the battlefield

Saturday, September 22, 2007

time to warm up for the end game

Its finally upon us the clock has reached 2 days. Its time to start the engines and reload those battle rifles and grenades. Its time to bone up on those crucial kills. Its time to get those triggers on a hair to pull on that unsuspecting fool waiting for the next mongoose. Its time to get in that hog and kick some ass while doing a barrel roll. Its almost here i can taste the sting of pain, the sweat of millions waiting. I can smell the millions of people who will neglect the shower and toilet after this day. The end game, the end of an era. Some say it was the star wars for another generation. Its almost here 2 days until life ends as we know it now.

see you on the battlefield

three days till we get to see the glory

its upon us three days till we see the glory. three days till we get to end the war to end all wars. three days till Christmas comes early for most. three days until we pee our proverbial pants in enjoyment. three days until we a "joygasim" as the riddler would say from batman forever. what I'm trying to sat is its almost here just a long weekend away and its out thats all people. cant wait to see it. read up on the forge gonna be cool dropping tanks and shit on people its gonna be awesome. Can't wait.

see you on the battlefield

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Five days till I reach the end

Five days until I finish the fight. Sorry but its gonna be cool to finally get some closure on the whole battle thats taken seven years to complete and everything u all know what I'm talking about. Just five days till I get to play with all the new features like forge, replay and 4 person co-op. Its gonna be intense but it will have to wait for five days. The intensity is killing me I'm my own little hype machine. Five days until he comes to town to rule house and save all of humainity. I have to still keep in touch with Call of Duty 4 though cant go all willy nilly on that game, I can't wait. I don't know CoD might just kick his ass only time will tell. I'll be on CoD sometime this week don't worry.

see you on the battlefield

Ps. You can't tell I'm not a real fan of halo or anything right.

Pss. Oops i mentioned the game i cant believe it i was trying to stay away from that. I know I'm gushing like a little girl. Oh yeah the new Dropkick Murphy's cd is really good i suggest you go out and buy it, a soundtrack for all the intense killing you'll be doing in the game.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

to each thier own

To the person who commented on my post about Halo 3 all I have to say is to each their own. I am a person who will take any comments pro or con. What I don't like is a lot of profanity which he/she did not use I applaud him/her for refraining. I want to know why you say this thats the only thing I am curious about but what ever there is only 8 days until the release of H3. Welcome to the phenomenon that is Halo and Microsoft.

we bow down to you bill gates

see you on the battlefield

For anyone who wants to know this is what was said.
Anonymous said...

Halo sucks, its a dumbed down FPS for retarded kids. Your blog sucks too.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

12 days to go

12 days to go until Microsoft makes millions of dollars on the one game to rule them all (or thats what they say). be sure ill have a review up that week for the preliminary thoughts and stuff.

see you on the battle field

Ps. if ur living under a rock its Halo 3 i give you applause for staying out of the hype.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Medal of Honor: Airborne

This game has a kick ass single player just for your information. well on to the review of the multi-player of this game. I would think that MoHA would have a wicked good mp but it disappointed me a little. The concept was there but the funness of other mps i have played wasn't there.
There's six maps five that are cut down maps of single player and there is one that is a new map. The maps run the line of a Omaha beach of BF1942 like landing for infantry to the cliche battle for the bombed out buildings.
Game Modes
we have three game modes to play with in this game they are teamdeath match, objective airborne and airborne deathmatch. the first is simple its just kill the other team to a certain reach a set number and it ends. Objective airborne is a little different the allies jump from a plane and try to capture flags and keep the flags. the axis tries to cap those same flags and do the same thing keep them the game ends when one team caps all the flags. airborne is the other mode and it is the same thing as tdm but the allies jump and the axis kills them to a certain number of points.
The weapons are the standard WWII FPS weapons. there is a tommy, the mp40, the gw 45, the springfield, and other period weapons. the cool thing in this game is you can upgrade all the weapons and grenades. this is done by killing people. the upgrades run from the mundane quick draw to the higher splash radius of the bazooka.
How it stacked up
Concept: 5 it was cool to jump out of planes
execution: 3 some weapons need a little more tweaking and please put in legacy and southpaw
Fun factor: 4 it got a little annoying when you jump and get killed because the axis saw where you where because of your chute.
Overall: 8

See you on the battlefield,

Sunday, September 2, 2007

More reviews to come in the following week.

There will be a review for medal of honor airborne this weekend or early next week. Maybe a few other reviews to come as well.

How I will rate the games:
The rating system will be an average of three categories which will be rated on a 1-5 scale. These categories are concept and implementation of game play from single player, execution and fun factor. the first and third are pretty self-explanatory. the execution is one that I will explain it is how the game runs and what is a little bit messed up. Fun factor is how fun the game is and if it is really playable. There will be total of all three numbers added then averaged together. Then come the comments after the numbers for me to explain why I gave it what I did.
for example : game a
concept: 4
execution: 5
Fun factor: 4
total: 8.7

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Call of Duty 4 Beta

As most of you know the Multi beta for call of duty four is now out to the general public so I can finally talk about it. This is going to be the best mp that I have seen in a long time maybe sense Golden Eye for the 64. This is a first person shooter for anyone who is living under rocks. There is so much to talk about in this small beta and so little time.
There are three maps that you will play on in this small piece of the game. There is Crash, Vacant and Overgrown. The first map I played was crash which is one of the better maps to start your experience in the beta because it really eases you into the whole visceral thing called the beta. This is a bombed out city that in the middle east. It is full of buildings and other things that you would expect in a city block. The cool thing in this is that you can blow up all the cars in all the levels. Vacant is a warehouse that is all torn up. There are some cool effects that they have put into this like when a grenade goes off there is a small dust cloud that is blown around and if near boxes they go flying. There is overgrown the biggest and most annoying of the maps. This is because there are things that just don't work here. There is too much ground to cover and while doing so you will get shot by one of the 5 snipers that are on the map.
Game modes
There are three modes that we are testing out they are search and destroy, domination and death match. Search and destroy is the by far the most fun mode that there is in this small snippet of a game. This is like any other s&d that you have played in cod games. There is a team that has a bomb and you have to go and plant it at a designated place. The other team has to defend the two places. this can make for some intense firefights and other insanity. Then there is domination this is like war in cod 3 which I will never play. This mode is hardly ever played for some reason. The objective is to capture three flags and hold them for a designated time frame or until one team reaches the points. There is also death match which is just like any other detach match kill the other team until you reach a certain points or time runs out. there is also free-for-all which is like any other ffa game type with insane killing all around.
Guns and Explosives
There are four classes of weapons the assault rifles, smgs, snipers and the lmg. The guns in classes all work about the same for that class so I will just explain the classes. The assault class is all the big guns the ak m4 and m16. These guns fire in full auto except the m16 which fires in burst. They all inflict about the same damage pump 4 or five bullets into the opponent and they will die. The smg are a little quicker fire rate and are all full auto. This fire rate is quicker and it will put down an enemy in about the same time as an assault but with more ammo. The sniper is still easy as hell to use and is one shot one kill. The lmgs are a pain to kill because you can just hold down the trigger and kill a whole team and still have ammo left over for the next poor sap that comes across you. There are attachments that you can add to all your weapons there is the acog scope the red dot sight and silencer. The acog is a real good thing to equip a gun with. This sight is one that has crosshairs and a red dot in the middle. The only thing that is bad about the sight is that it constricts your vision when you use it. The red dot is what everybody uses it is a good sight because it is big enough to see the whole field and still kill that one person that is shooting at you. then there are the nades. there is nothing special about them they are just nades.
Other Stuff
The system of rank is based on the marines and is pretty easy to climb right now. At different levels there are different stuff to unlock for example you can unlock the ak and m4. There is also a perks system that enables you to have three things. I mostly use the c4 or rpg perk for my first perk tier. My second is stopping power for the. The third is Deep impact. the first is pretty simple it enables you to have rpgs or c4. Second is more complicated stopping power is it gives the bullets a little more sting to them it kills people quicker. Deep impact is more complicated. this perk lets you shoot through walls and other cover that people might use.

I will not pass judgment on this game yet because it is just the beta version. I dont belive that I have the right to do that before the game comes out.

See you on the field of battle

Created By a Gamer For Gamers

Well, I have decided to review every game I come across from now on its gonna be like Gamespot but with out all the ads and everything. I will tell you what to look and what not to buy. Sorry if I don't come across a game that you like or have played and want me to review I will not take suggestions. I will review one or two games a month for the 360 or wii cause those are the only two systems i have no. If anyone wants to donate a ps3 to me i will gladly take it. i will try to beat the game but this is not a promise. The multi-player aspect is what i will most likely review and maybe some of the story. Sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I love the multi instead of the single-player.