For the game playing masses and other nonsensical ramblings.

Friday, November 23, 2007

i wish i had some people who...

I wish i had some people who actually read and left comments on my blog. well i now guess that its a pipe dream. i was playing some halo 3 with a bunch of little prepubescent kiddos today and it really pissed me off to no end. i was down for the count and they kept on making fun of my slurring words and not hitting the side of a barn. these little punks could have used a real beating on the game by some drunk hicks but I'm not a hick but I was drunk. w/e tomorrow is another day and i have work again which sucks I've had the last three days off to sit and do my homework which was nice i also did a bunch of nothing. Back to what i was really saying was that i which i had more people who actually read the blog when stumbled upon it not just look at it for a few seconds and leave.

sorry for the rant and see you on the battlefield

Thursday, November 22, 2007

well the pilgrims would be happy

Well I would have made the pilgrims very happy. I ate all day and passed out on the sofa like any good american on thanksgiving should. The gorge is over for now the next will be the gorge of christ ( a.k.a Christmas) where any good Christian would be happy to eat and drink to thier content. sorry if I offended you ubërChristains. we only have 32 days left to shop and get in shape to the next big meal of goodness. I cant wait. Well I'm going back to bed where i can sleep off the rest of the tryptophan in my system.

see you on the battlefield,

Happy turkeyday!

well as i write the macy's thanksgiving day parade is wrapping up and im getting ready to gorge myself on that scrumptious bird we like to call turkey. i have the best plan in the world eat all day, ill keep you updated as the day goes on. so far i have had 3 cinnimon buns a crap load of cranraisins, and more sugar i could handle on this holy of unholy holidays. well ill talk to you soon.

see you no the battlefield,

Friday, November 16, 2007

and for something completly different

i have been following the emergence of comet Holmes. this comet all of a sudden has just exploded in brightness. this comet has a very likely tenancy to be a spaceship from another planet. this is becasue when it went around the sun it was dim and very subdued. then all of a sudden it brightens but the weird thing is that there is no tail like all the other comets. the only thing is weird looking coma around it. the other thing is that it looks like there is a shoot off of exhaust in the form of propellant. heres some pictures.

see you on the battlefield

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Call of Duty 4 review

If this game doesn't get the game of the year I will be pissed off. Its that damn good. I told you about the beta now its the retail versions turn.

Ok the maps are even more awesome than the beta. They changed a few things from it as well. The maps vary from fighting in the streets to and all out battle in a grassy fields. There are a few nice touches like most of the buildings are opened and you can camp and hide in them. The other thing is it looks so nice and runs buttery smooth.
Game Modes
The modes are from the short and sweet to the action packed. There is something for everybody. The big battles are fun but the game really shines when you can play an objective based game. Like sabotage, a central bomb game type that you have to plant at the opposing forces base. Then you have the old standards tdm, s&d and making a comeback Headquarters. The other new game modes are hardcore which takes away all the hud and its two shot kills. Old school which is pickup like in halo and golden eye. There is also a combination of it called oldcore. which is the reduced hud and pickups.

there are to many weapons to talk about. each weapon has unlockables. they are the red dot, acog and scilencer.
How it stacked up
Concept: 5 wholly crap its fun.
execution: 5 nothing is wrong majorly.
Fun factor: 5 i cant say enough that they did right.
Overall: 15

See you on the battlefield,

just buy this game you won't be sorry. yes i am a COD fan from the start but i really didnt like cod 2 to much. It was just alot of the same things from cod 1.

Friday, November 2, 2007

three more days until we get to see what IW has in store for us, these six months of waiting have flown by and i cant wait till i get my hands on COD 4 its gonna be sweet.

see you on the battlefield


All of a sudden i have been getting hits like crazy. I love it. Well for anyone who is reading this from other then the states hello, Het hallo, hola, bonjour, Hallo, ciao, oi, привет, hei, 喂, こんにちは. Well i hope that you will enjoy reading my blog and will come back to it many times.