For the game playing masses and other nonsensical ramblings.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Call of Duty 4 Beta

As most of you know the Multi beta for call of duty four is now out to the general public so I can finally talk about it. This is going to be the best mp that I have seen in a long time maybe sense Golden Eye for the 64. This is a first person shooter for anyone who is living under rocks. There is so much to talk about in this small beta and so little time.
There are three maps that you will play on in this small piece of the game. There is Crash, Vacant and Overgrown. The first map I played was crash which is one of the better maps to start your experience in the beta because it really eases you into the whole visceral thing called the beta. This is a bombed out city that in the middle east. It is full of buildings and other things that you would expect in a city block. The cool thing in this is that you can blow up all the cars in all the levels. Vacant is a warehouse that is all torn up. There are some cool effects that they have put into this like when a grenade goes off there is a small dust cloud that is blown around and if near boxes they go flying. There is overgrown the biggest and most annoying of the maps. This is because there are things that just don't work here. There is too much ground to cover and while doing so you will get shot by one of the 5 snipers that are on the map.
Game modes
There are three modes that we are testing out they are search and destroy, domination and death match. Search and destroy is the by far the most fun mode that there is in this small snippet of a game. This is like any other s&d that you have played in cod games. There is a team that has a bomb and you have to go and plant it at a designated place. The other team has to defend the two places. this can make for some intense firefights and other insanity. Then there is domination this is like war in cod 3 which I will never play. This mode is hardly ever played for some reason. The objective is to capture three flags and hold them for a designated time frame or until one team reaches the points. There is also death match which is just like any other detach match kill the other team until you reach a certain points or time runs out. there is also free-for-all which is like any other ffa game type with insane killing all around.
Guns and Explosives
There are four classes of weapons the assault rifles, smgs, snipers and the lmg. The guns in classes all work about the same for that class so I will just explain the classes. The assault class is all the big guns the ak m4 and m16. These guns fire in full auto except the m16 which fires in burst. They all inflict about the same damage pump 4 or five bullets into the opponent and they will die. The smg are a little quicker fire rate and are all full auto. This fire rate is quicker and it will put down an enemy in about the same time as an assault but with more ammo. The sniper is still easy as hell to use and is one shot one kill. The lmgs are a pain to kill because you can just hold down the trigger and kill a whole team and still have ammo left over for the next poor sap that comes across you. There are attachments that you can add to all your weapons there is the acog scope the red dot sight and silencer. The acog is a real good thing to equip a gun with. This sight is one that has crosshairs and a red dot in the middle. The only thing that is bad about the sight is that it constricts your vision when you use it. The red dot is what everybody uses it is a good sight because it is big enough to see the whole field and still kill that one person that is shooting at you. then there are the nades. there is nothing special about them they are just nades.
Other Stuff
The system of rank is based on the marines and is pretty easy to climb right now. At different levels there are different stuff to unlock for example you can unlock the ak and m4. There is also a perks system that enables you to have three things. I mostly use the c4 or rpg perk for my first perk tier. My second is stopping power for the. The third is Deep impact. the first is pretty simple it enables you to have rpgs or c4. Second is more complicated stopping power is it gives the bullets a little more sting to them it kills people quicker. Deep impact is more complicated. this perk lets you shoot through walls and other cover that people might use.

I will not pass judgment on this game yet because it is just the beta version. I dont belive that I have the right to do that before the game comes out.

See you on the field of battle

Created By a Gamer For Gamers

Well, I have decided to review every game I come across from now on its gonna be like Gamespot but with out all the ads and everything. I will tell you what to look and what not to buy. Sorry if I don't come across a game that you like or have played and want me to review I will not take suggestions. I will review one or two games a month for the 360 or wii cause those are the only two systems i have no. If anyone wants to donate a ps3 to me i will gladly take it. i will try to beat the game but this is not a promise. The multi-player aspect is what i will most likely review and maybe some of the story. Sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I love the multi instead of the single-player.